Thursday, November 17, 2011

Two giants and a pinner

The herd that drags me, a complicated one at that.

Annie the Dog

Annie is one of my lover dog's, she is there for me when ever need her, as well as her mother, she is one of my special pup's that never stop's giving.

My life as a dog

In my youth, 'my life as a dog' was a title of a movie that alway's stuck with me. Just that title alone. It gave me a thought to live youth, a romping silly little girl.  I lived by those rules.  Now as the little girl became a woman, my life as a dog doesn't have the chance so much to be that little girl romping, as a dog, free, life spirited, but...  Dog's give me that title through my on going life, as I grow older.  I am forever still that little girl, as 'my life as a dog', and I owe it all to my fellow people who trust me, friends, acquaintances, and future client's, and my own pet's I oh so love.  My title live's on.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Daisy the dog

I love watching pup's 'break dance'

14 leg's

this was one of my last dog walk's with these fellow's and a very sad day for me, I loved these guys oh so much and hope to walk them again soon.  Time will tell, and I am lucky to see them every once and a while barking for me across the street, from anther dog walk I have.  They are a silly bunch.

Kitty love cat

Kitty love cat is my own kitty, she is my soulmate.

I think they like eachother

Monday, October 24, 2011

annie rub a lot

The green line

Daisy Hannah and Lucy Rhomping

My life as a dog

My life as a dog/Pepper


Happy go lucky, my Zen dog's

, mt Zen dogs

Pitter Patter

Birdie moon river

Chickin 'n the ruff